How to Take a Vertical Panorama Photo on the iPhone!

Some of you might know this already but I just had a breakthrough this weekend while in some really beautiful parts of the Utah desert! I figured out that you can easily take a vertical panorama photo on the iPhone! We were at this beautiful waterfall and when we hiked below it, there was also a huge pine tree above it. I was frustrated that I couldn't get a good composition of the waterfall AND the whole tree in one shot. Here's what it looked like:

I'm pretty sure right after I took this I said out loud, "Man, I wish you could take a vertical panorama so I could get that tree in my shot".

Then you know what I did? I turned my camera to the panoramic setting, turned my phone sideways to see what would happen and GUESS WHAT! It worked! haha. 

Here's my shot! It's WAY better, right? YAY!

To Take a Vertical Panorama:

  • Open your camera and select the panorama mode.

  • Turn your camera sideways.

  • Take the panorama as usual and press done when finished!

Sometimes I am the one learning as I go too :) Anyway, I was pretty excited about my discovery and thought I'd share the tip with you readers out there!! Take your iPhone landscapes to the next level with vertical panoramic photos.